sergio brocos
web [backend] developer

About me

I’ve been a web developer for a long time when PHP was used to send contact forms, and Flash was cool. A long time ago. I’ve developed in PHP with and without OOP, with Zend Frameworks, and created a mini-framework to learn and better understand how they worked this. But when I learned enough and had a good level, I decided to left PHP and start to learn Ruby On Rails (at 2013).

Now, I’m focused in Ruby On Rails. I like it. I like the “slogan”: “Optimize for programmer happiness”. I believe it. I like coding. It’s a passion for me, and it’s a privilege to be able to work as a developer.

Also I like read books, particularly about CiFi. I read a lot, especially when I travel by public transport. I love the classics like Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Philip K. Dick, Frederik Pohl, Frank Herbert, etc. But also I love the newest authors like Dan Simmons, John Scalzi, Ann Leckie, Andy Weir, Neal Stephenson, etc. Also read some fantasy like Brandon Sanderson, Patrick Rothfuss, and other authors.

The third of my passions is the music. I like to have my headphones handy so I can listen to music at any time. I listen to many styles. And when I’ve free time, sometimes, I like to make music with my computer and my machines. Only for me.